Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Noah & Joshua love to look at each other.
Joshua sucking his thumb Noah & Joshua
Noah loves his bath
Joahua loves his bath


Anonymous said...

Love you guys!!

Anonymous said...

Aww they look so cute!!! I cant wait to see them grow up on here :) Miss you guys!!

Tiffany Evans said...


So great to see pics of the boys! They look fabulous!!! Sure do miss seeing you. Can't wait to see more!!


Anonymous said...

Jessica, They are absolutely adorable. What miracles!!! Your a great mom, I would never want to be in your shoes but you are running a great race! I admire you and your faith, courage, and strength. Can't wait till they can play with their cousin Justin. They are already bigger than him.☺
What a wonderful idea to put their pictures on a website so we can all see them. Thank you!!!
If you and Jeremy need anything at all, don't hesitate to call me!

Anonymous said...

How cute are your boys! So glad to get a chance to see them. Thanks for posting. Wow have they grown. Know that we think of you all often.

Anonymous said...

Greeting from the McAllisters. So great to be able to see those little guys. Soooooooooooooo cute!!You are always in our prayers. Look forward to the day we can get to know them and spend time with you again. Let us know if there is something we can do or if you need anything. Love & Prayers!!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for posting pictures of Noah and Joshua. You guys are all in our thoughts and prayers always! It's so great to see their pictures and how much they have grown. Lots of love to you all! Keep doing the wonderful job you are with them.

Anonymous said...

Jessica and Jeremy,
How adorable!! They are even cuter in person. Can't wait until they are over here all the time playing basketball on our court, and swimming in the pool! It will be sooner than you think. You both are an inspiration to all of us, your strength and courage are truly from God.God said "Apart from me, you can do nothing" and I'm sure you already know that. What a blessing those little ones have to have you both as parents. We love you all!!! Joan, Bill, Billy and Bobby