Friday, March 21, 2008

My Mom, Grandma, Austin & I painted Easter eggs tonight, Joshua & Noah watched. They tried to eat the eggs when we showed them. My Mom & Grandma decorated the boys with stickers, they look so cute. Next year they will be able to help color the eggs that will be even more fun.
Jeremy & I got them bouncers this week they love them. Noah never stops bouncing in it. The other day he fell asleep in it, it was so cute.

The boys hernia surgery is scheduled for April 21. Please pray that everything goes well.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Thank You

I am so thankful for our families they have been very helpful during our journey with Joshua & Noah. I'm very grateful for my mom she is such a big help with the boys & i don't know what i would do if we didn't live with her. She has been such a big help & the boys love all the nice stuff she buys them. Jeremy really enjoys all the good cooking because he knows that i don't have time to cook Thank you Mom we love you. My grandma would some times tell me she was bored at home, well she can't say that now! She is over every day helping with the boys, she does our laundry, and she goes with us to Dr. appointments to Cleveland. Thank you Grandma we love you. Austin is a big help with the boys & Bud babysat the boys for the 1st time Monday. The boys always enjoy seeing Grandpa and have a smile and a laugh for him. Thank you, we love you. Jean & Ernie are a great help and send a lot of time helping us with everything from babysitting to cleaning. Thank you we love you. We asked Angie & Ray to take our boys if something happens to us, thank you for saying yes. It means a lot to us we love you,

Thank you everyone who has helped us along in our journey and for every one's prayers. We hold each and everyone of you dear to our heart and we could not have done it without your love and support.

Monday, March 10, 2008

Our Weekend

Joshua & Noah

Here are the Steelers pictures that I have been promising. Sorry it took so long.

This was an exciting weekend. Joshua & Noah spent Saturday night at their grandparents, Jean & Ernie's, for the 1st time. Jeremy & I planned to go out for the evening and spend time with out the boys. But we had a huge snow storm and everything closed early, even Walmart. So we got a pizza and went back to his parents and I put Noah to sleep. He was so tired he was having a major melt down. We then left and went home to bed. We did have fun sled riding with Lindsay, Tim, Jessica, & Meghan earlier in the day. Sunday we went back over to Jean & Ernie's and spent the day there. Thank you for watching them, Jeremy and I enjoyed the time we got to spend together. We love you.

Joshua & Noah had tons of fun at their grandparents. They always enjoy spending time with Jessica & Meghan, who are big helps. Angie, Ray, Lindsay & Grandma Sellers spent the day holding them & even Tim was helping out. They both enjoyed spending time in a jumper. Noah was like the energizer bunny he kept bouncing & bouncing. Joshua would jump for a while then pull up his legs and it would spin around. They were very good for their grandma & grandpa, & they enjoyed having them over.

Thank you all for posting messages it is nice to hear from you. In May we hope to see everyone, RSV season will be over and we can finally be around people. We miss you all and send our love.